Ha fallado la conexion 2Ha fallado la conexion 2SELECT ctry FROM t_ipcountry WHERE ipfrom<=51719016 AND ipto>=51719016 Weather in Atacama Desert in the North of Chile



San Pedro de Atacama is an oasis located 2,443 meters (8,015 feet) above sea level, connected with the Calama airport (Chile) by a 100 kilometer road (62 miles).The climate is magnificent throughout the year, with more than 90% of the days being radiant. In winter (June, July and August) the average daytime temperature is 22°C (72°F) and by night 4°C (39°F), descending to -2°C (28°F) in extreme cases; days are very pleasant, inviting you to lay in the sun's corridors. During summer (January, February and March) the temperature fluctuates between 27°C (81°F) and a minimum of 16°C (61°F) at night, reaching maximums of 32°C (90°F): a warmer climate inviting you to a good "siesta" before the evening explorations begin.Between January and March, the so called Altiplanic Winter comes with occasional showers. For 10 to 12 nights each month there is an astonishing moon, which impels you to a horseback ride through the spectacular landscapes.

On other days, you can enjoy the darkness of the night with its fresh air and lack of clouds, which makes the stars shine as in no other place on earth.


 (° C)(° F)(° C)(° F)
January 24,1 75,4 5,1 41,2
February 24,1 75,4 5,5 41,9
March 23,6 74,5 4,4 39,9
April 23,0 73,4 2,2 36,0
May 22,1 71,8 -0,7 30,7
June 20,6 69,1 -0,5 31,1
July 20,9 69,6 -0,9 30,4
August 21,5 70,7 -0,9 30,4
September 22,6 72,7 -0,4 31,3
October 23,7 74,7 1,7 35,1
November 24,2 75,6 2,8 3,6
December 24,4 75,9 3,6 38,5

For the visitors is recommended to wear short trousers, shirt, bath suit and solar protector for the day and sheltered clothes for the night, due to the temperatures are very variable.