Ha fallado la conexion 2Ha fallado la conexion 2SELECT ctry FROM t_ipcountry WHERE ipfrom<=59889220 AND ipto>=59889220Ha fallado la conexion 2Ha fallado la conexion 2SELECT ctry FROM t_ipcountry WHERE ipfrom<=59889220 AND ipto>=59889220 Attractions of Atacama Desert in North of Chile

San Pedro de Atacama attractive

The attractions of San Pedro de Atacama and its surroundings.
Below is a list of the most visited attractions in the area of San Pedro de Atacama and its surroundings. Tourism in this area focuses prinicpalmente the natural beauty that have these attractions.

  • Cordillera de la Sal (Salt Mountains)

    Cordillera de la Sal (Salt Mountains)

    Surprise yourself with the particular and changing colors that offer the manifold mineral compund by salt.

  • Moon Valley

    Moon Valley

    Witness this great natural phenomenon that nature offers, to observe the beautiful Valley from an enormous sand dune.

  • Padre Le Paige Museum

    Padre Le Paige Museum

    This museum keeps a great variety of mummies of a great archaeological value, as well as utensils and an enormous number of vestiges of the atacameños ancestors.

  • Untitled

    Pukará de Quitor

    Visit this ancient forts constructed by the ancestor atacameños people to be able to defend themselves from other towns that formerly inhabited South America.

  • Toconao and Atacama Salt lake

    Toconao and Atacama Salt lake

    At the south of San Pedro is the entry to the center of the impressive Salar de Atacama Salt Lake. Allowing in the way to appreciate the view of Licancabur and Lascar volcanoes among others, then knwoing the town of Toconao and continue up to the salt lake, reaching the Chaxa lagoon inhabited by flamingoes.

  • Tatio Geysers

    Tatio Geysers

    Be part of the magnificent steam fumaroles, one of the most impressive attractives to visit.

  • Puritama HotSprings

    Puritama HotSprings

    Recharge your energies in this incredible thermal waters that offer us these known SPA in the middle of the Atacama Desert.

  • Valle de la Muerte

    Valle de la Muerte

    Surprise yourself with the strangeness of this famous Valley and get inside in the great beauty of the salt mountain range; this summit that at first seems snow is salt; admire its natural sculptures and surprise yourself even more.

  • Altiplanic Lagoons

    Altiplanic Lagoons

    A "must visit" to be able to observe the great beauty offered by these singular lagoons located in the heart of the Atacama Desert, a real oasis in the desert.