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Calama is an urban center located in the middle of the desert (2260 meters above sea level). In northeast Antofagasta, Calama has great temperatures, different tourist services and the proper infrastructure of a city in the desert. Nearby Calama you will find the desert, but also valleys and mountains. Calama is also an important commercial, financial and administrative center. Today, the tourism has increased thanks to Loa River in which you can practice fly fishing and swim. Attractions Urban and tourist services. It has El Loa National Park and museums with archaeological and anthropological patrinomy. Activities Bicycle ridings, flora and fauna contemplation, photography. Location Second region. Located 16 kilometers north of Chuquicamata and 213 kilometers northeast of Antofagasta. How to get there? Anywhere-Santiago: Airway. Santiago-Antofagasta: Airway and land route, by Panamericana 5 North. Antofagasta-Calama: Land route, by Route 25 CH. Airway. When to go? All year long. Climate Desert weather. The temperature oscillates between day and night time, and the summer rains are more frequent with a high media of 3 milimeters. The high media temperature is 24,5ºC and the lowest is 17,1ºC. Housing, food, outdoor activities. Surroundings Ayquina, Caspana, Chiu-Chiu, Cupo, Conchi Dam, Geyser del Tatio, Ayquina Church, Lasana, Chuquicamata, Ollague, Conchi town, Coska town, Lasana Pukara, Turi Pukara, Loa River, Ascotan Salar, Carcote Salar, Toconce, Aucanquilcha Volcano.