Ha fallado la conexion 2Ha fallado la conexion 2SELECT ctry FROM t_ipcountry WHERE ipfrom<=59764611 AND ipto>=59764611 The Moon Valley in San Pedro Atacama Desert Chile

Moon Valley

Moon Valley Moon Valley Moon Valley


It is one of the most visited places in San Pedro and it is located at 17 kilometers of San Pedro's downtown, in the Cordillera de la Sal (Salt mountains) area, is an interesting area with stones and sand formations that per millenia the floods and the winds have given it a series of colors and texture to the desert, it presents an extraordinary attractive by its similarity with the moon surface and the natural coliseo of great dimensions. From a great dune is possible to appreciate the wonderful and surprising surroundings of this zone.

Set of landscapes of incomparable beauty and that resemble a fragment of the moon landscape.

This wonderful natural phenomenon, is due to the encounter of the Atacama desert with the Andes mountain range, which is produced by smooth slope changes, conformed by cones of rollings originating of the mountain bankruptcy.

The Moon Valley has dry lakes, in where the salt composition of these covers with a beautiful white mantle; escarpments of all green, blue, red, yellow colors surprising with the most diverse and surprising forms and which the sun makes vary its tones in thousand different forms during the day, specially in the twilight hours that reaches its best beauty.

In full moon nights, the valley also presents an indescribable aspect, plenary of majesty and silence, coldly beautiful and imposing.

It presents diverse saline outcrops that seem true sculptures also of a great variety of caverns.

In this place a geologic spectacle of great beauty can be observed, in special in the evening and daybreak.

Declared sanctuary of the nature by its great natural beauty and strange moon appearance to which must its name. Every year is visited by hundreds of tourists for being one of the knowest places in Chile.