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La Tirana

La Tirana
La Tirana town is an oasis situated in the heart of la Pampa del Tamarugal, in the center of the Big North and located 72 kilometers from Iquique city, it is cozy town that in July is transformed in the faith and devotion capital of almost 200 thousand people that arrive form different places of the national territory, and also, from further places, with the reason to take them spiritual promises with the Del Carmen de la Tirana Virgin. The town counts with around one thousand houses, the major part of them built with mud and straw in the last century. Its population, is not superior of 1.500 inhabitants, it is formed in its majority by old people, farmers and people dedicated to the goat pastured. From July 12 to July 17 the place is surrounded by the faithful people that bring it music, dances and presents to the Virgin. Extraordinary and unique spectacle in the country.