Ha fallado la conexion 2Ha fallado la conexion 2SELECT ctry FROM t_ipcountry WHERE ipfrom<=59463338 AND ipto>=59463338 Picture: Isluga Llamas / Explore-Atacama.com

Isluga Llamas

Isluga Llamas
It is camelide own of South America that is the domesticated form of the guanaco. The llama is distributed in Chile (in the "puna" of Atacama), the northwest of Argentina, the west of Bolivia and the south of Peru. These animals are perfectly adapted to their habitat and specialy to the lack of oxygen characteristic of great altitudes. Like their relatives, the vicuña, the guanaco and the alpaca, Llamas are social animals that live forming flocks that generally are made up of a dominant male and the females accompanied by their young; the rest of the males forms a flock aside. It is easy to observe the males fighting during the time of fervor, when some tries to occupy the dominant position of the other; in this situation, the female can send to the opponent spit made up of saliva and semi digested food. This behavior also is used like defense in front of other enemies.