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Chungará Lake

Chungará Lake
The Chungará lake is part of the Lauca National Park and it is located 192 kms from Arica and 51 kms from Putre. It counts with a surface of 21,5 km2 and a the maximum deep is 33m. Its main affluents are the Chungará river and the Sopocalane river. The water of the lake is really freeze, reason why a fast bath can only be given. It is turquoise color and in it reflects Chungará volcano. In the place it honors the existing birds, characterized by species like ñandú or suri, perdiz de puna, Chilean flamingo, guallata, giant, cóndor duck, tagua and small duck (jargon). Between the mammals they emphasize guanacos, vicunas, llamas, alpacas, tarucas, pumas, foxes and vizcachas.