Ha fallado la conexion 2Ha fallado la conexion 2SELECT ctry FROM t_ipcountry WHERE ipfrom<=59621111 AND ipto>=59621111 Picture: Vicuñas / Explore-Atacama.com


It is close relative of the llama, guanaco and alpaca, of which it is the agilest, although it is the minor large. Its long extremities are thin; its neck is high and its head small. The body is covered with a short coat, very fine and woolly. The powerful set of teeth of the vicuna, has inferior incisors that grow continuously, facilitates its feeding with hard plants and of little bearing. Its view sense is acute and it is protected of the cold, the wind and the dust by means of heavy eyelashes. The vicunas meet in small herds or familiar groups whose territory is clearly delimited by the excrements and tinkles that they always deposit in the same places. Mixed to each other, the vicuna, llama, alpaca and the guanaco produce fertile hybrids. The term vicuna also is applied to weaves and fabrics made from the wool of the animal.